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Five ways small business owners can get more from their calls

Five ways small business owners can get more from their calls

Everyone should be able to access their voice data – no matter the size of their business. Unified Call Recording and voice AI doesn’t need big budgets for up-front spending, or a big office to store bulky on-premise recording equipment. Even small business owners can see great return on investment when they start recording their calls.

1. Gain greater visibility and easily resolve disputes

Phone calls remain the dominant form of business conversation. Email, chat, and messaging are all good for quick transactional communications but, especially with the increase in remote working, the most important conversations happen on voice or video calls. Unfortunately the data from those conversations is lost as soon as the call ends.

If the call was recorded from your service provider network (with no hardware or software to install), it could be replayed from anywhere, you could review a full transcript, and receive alerts and reports on customer satisfaction based on the sentiment of calls.

Imagine you are Chris, who has run his building business for decades and is slowly handing responsibility to his two sons as he edges towards retirement. He still wants to keep track of his team and their jobs as he trains the new company directors and sometimes worries about who has committed what and at what price.

By recording conversations across all company phones, Chris has greater visibility while letting his sons take leadership over the business operations. Easy to digest call transcripts allow him to quickly assess upcoming commitments and sentiment analysis shows how happy customers are. Chris can even search by keyword for specific jobs and set up alerts for negative sentiment to ensure that any unsatisfied customers are followed up with.

While call transcripts provide Chris with peace of mind, the rest of the team also benefit from having proof of their conversations. When it comes to final invoices, they have the reassurance of knowing exactly what was agreed between them and the customer and are protected in the case of any disputes.

2. Train staff in proven sales techniques

The phone is one of a sales rep’s most important tools as they build their relationship with existing customers and nurture leads towards a sale. Sales people hone their pitches and techniques to a fine art and adapt their messaging depending on the product and the contact. In an ideal world, they’d be able to pass this knowledge onto new team members, but this can be difficult unless they listen into every conversation. By recording calls, sales leaders can isolate successful sales pitches and use these as the basis for staff training.

Alex is the owner of a tech startup that is focused on driving growth. Alex has recently employed a number of new sales staff and is keen for them all to get behind the company messaging with effective sales pitches that turn leads into customers.

By recording calls, Alex can repurpose conversational content for coaching new team members. Sentiment analysis of recordings can identify happy customers, and this data can be cross-referenced with the status of leads and deals to find the top performing messaging. This data also makes it easy for Alex to measure the achievements of the team and reward their hard work.

3. Improve customer experience through data-driven insights

Salesforce is the source of truth for sales people, who use it to track their interactions with their customers. Imagine if those interactions were available within Salesforce itself. You could recap a conversation, refer to a transcript, and see who else at the business has spoken to your contact and know exactly how they feel about the brand and at what stage of the purchase journey they are at.

Charlie owns a fashion brand and has a sales team that works with department stores and online retailers to stock the brand. Charlie is interested in how data can inform business decisions but is a complete beginner when it comes to data science. With a free Google Data Studio account, Charlie can use templates to see reporting from sales calls and get a quick insight into how the team is performing.

By integrating recorded calls with Salesforce, Charlie can see a more granular view of sales interactions. Sentiment analysis can give a report of customer satisfaction at a call level, while Charlie can also set up reporting for how wholesale customers are feeling about the brand by week or by month. One staff member might spend more time on the phone than others, and by viewing this data alongside their sales performance Charlie can see that these longer conversations build relationships with customers. By applying this knowledge to the rest of the business, Charlie can improve customer retention.

4. Reduce churn with customisable automated alerts

Call recording is vital for legal firms to store a secure record of their conversations with clients. But these calls could provide valuable insights rather than being locked away with no further action. The data held within these conversations could provide the information required to increase client satisfaction and loyalty.

Ruth runs a family law firm, with her two daughters employed as divorce lawyers. Ruth spends a lot of time trying to win big clients and maintain good relationships with her existing clients. She wants to make sure that the firm is providing excellent service to keep her clients happy and loyal.

With automated alerts, calls are automatically flagged for review. Ruth can set up custom parameters for notifications, either via email or to automate processes in software such as a CRM tool using an API. She might want all calls with negative sentiment to be sent to her inbox so she can check whether there is anything she needs to follow up on, or there might be a particular client she is worried may leave in favour of a competitor and so set an alert for any calls to or from their number.

Call transcripts provide a simple and easy way to review key conversational content and detect unhappy clients and Ruth can even review these when she is at home, or travelling between client meetings. With her secure login and specific permissions, she can access calls from any location or device.

5. Stop taking notes with instant call and meeting transcripts

Dispersed workforces are more common now than ever before, and communication is being put to the test. Sharing information with team members via email and Slack can lose nuance and tone but involving a huge team in client conversations can be unwieldy and lead to interruptions and sidetracking.

Robin is the owner of a content agency with a roster of freelance copywriters, graphic designers, and video creators. Robin spends most of the day meeting clients to get a detailed brief of their needs and chooses the appropriate member of the team to create the required content.

By recording client calls and meetings, Robin doesn’t need to take notes and can really be in the moment with clients and have time to think and ask all the right questions – safe in the knowledge that a full transcript of the conversation will be waiting. Working with a dispersed workforce, Robin relies on being able to share details of jobs with the team of content creators. With secure sharing, conversations can be accessed by the freelancer undertaking a job so they know exactly what is required.

All of this is possible with Dubber. Are you a small business owner thinking about getting call recording? Speak to a member of our team today for advice on the right subscription for you.

Five ways Unified Call Recording is creating compliance efficiencies for Financial Services

Five ways Unified Call Recording is creating compliance efficiencies for Financial Services

Any business in a highly regulated industry will understand the extra compliance measures they need to take to ensure they meet the required standards.

This is particularly true in the financial services industry. With more than 80% of business interactions being voice, businesses place themselves at risk if these crucial conversations are not properly captured. Customer disputes may take longer to resolve leading to customer’s losing trust in their financial institutions, expensive lawsuits, and brand damage.

But how can businesses efficiently and seamlessly prevent many of these issues escalating and damaging reputation, regulatory fines, and worse?

The answer is Unified Call Recording (UCR) and voice data analytics.

UCR allows businesses to meet compliance mandates by implementing Dubber into their telephony and UC systems. Here are five ways that Financial Services can use Dubber to mitigate any compliance risks to their business.

1. Fraud detection – While financial institutions have regulations in place to detect inappropriate or fraudulent behaviour, UCR and voice analytics provides them with a holistic overview of all customer interactions across the business. Breaches of policy can be alerted immediately. Investigations conducted using real-time search. Insightful call transcriptions provide the ability to analyse these interactions for any discrepancies or anomalies in behaviour.

2. Know your customer (KYC) – Call recordings provide a full record of a financial institution’s dealings with the customer, satisfying the major criteria of correctly identifying the individual customer or entity. Dubber features such keyword search allows Team Leaders to audit these calls to ensure that proper KYC procedures were adhered to when dealing with the customer. Dubber’s sentiment analysis also provides businesses with an understanding of how a customer feels about their business helping them to modify the way they service that customer.

3. Increasing transparency with auditors and regulators – Call recording not only benefits clients, but also financial advisers, and the corporate bodies who regulate the industry. Dubber’s API’s enable financial adviser’s to automatically transfer call recordings to their relevant client files, eliminating the need to manually take notes and ensuring all information pertaining to that client is held in the one file. This allows internal compliance teams to conduct audits and investigations more efficiently by allowing them to view all customer interactions in the one file.

4. Acting in the client’s best interest – Any institution providing financial advice must act in the client’s best interest. Unified Call Recording safeguards both the client and the adviser, ensuring any issues of miscommunication or claims of inappropriate advice are eliminated and client disputes can be resolved faster. Dubber’s Legal Hold feature also protects both the business and the customer by ensuring that selected call recordings can never be deleted, further helping businesses with client disputes.

5. Client data management – Local Privacy Laws may specify that businesses only hold on to customer data for a specified period of time. Dubber’s data retention feature allows businesses to comply with their local privacy laws by allowing call recordings to be automatically deleted after a specific period of time. This ensures businesses are only storing relevant information, and not unnecessarily holding on to customer data, minimising risks for both the business and the customer.

Dubber’s Unified Call Recording and Voice Data Intelligence has a myriad of use cases for any heavily regulated business. Schedule a time to meet with a Dubber sales representative to learn more about financial services applications.

Connecting during COVID

Connecting during COVID

Dispersed workforces, remote call centres, and increasing customer and employee connections across mobile devices. These are just a few of the impacts of COVID-19. Hallway conversations, listening in, and on premise systems once gave leaders some insight to the conversations taking place between employees, customers, and suppliers. For many that has become difficult, if not impossible. Costly and limited on-premise call and conversation capture can’t keep up. A move from legacy call recording to the cloud has become a priority.

With a remote workforce, enterprises are asking how to capture crucial conversations. The number of IP connections has grown rapidly with more calls occurring remotely than on premise. However, regulatory demands remain in place: requiring secure, long-term storage of calls. Enterprises are looking for keyword reporting, sentiment analysis, and accurate and accessible transcriptions to quickly view call data, and receive custom alerts.

Accelerating to the cloud

This change is reflected in the broader shift to cloud-based solutions. Where this was once part of a longer-term digital transformation strategy, it has now become accelerated. 93% of IT decision makers are moving their cloud adoption programmes forward. Budgets will be shifted towards cloud solutions that facilitate our new way of working, with 52% seeing an increase due to the pandemic.

Optimised for remote work

We created Dubber to enable any business conversation to be captured and converted to actionable insights, no matter where it takes place. We couldn’t have imagined a scenario like COVID-19, where a dispersed workforce would make cloud call recording so critical.

With automated provisioning and no need for on-premise equipment or management, we make it easy for businesses looking to move to the cloud. We can even migrate historic recordings to cloud storage to ensure minimal risk and disruption as this change takes place. From then on, businesses can be assured that their communications can continue as normal, no matter where their employees are working from.

Business insights from a dispersed workforce

While our cloud call recording means that compliance mandates can still be met regardless of where staff are working from, this is just the beginning. Our voice AI is where businesses see real value. They are identifying opportunities to reduce churn, sharpening investment decisions, and improving the quality of conversations with customers. All this from the data held within their voice calls.

Four voice data imperatives

  1. Call recording isn’t the answer. It’s an answer, but not the answer. Voice data remains one of the great untapped opportunities in the enterprise. To unlock the data within is where the answers lie.
  2. AI isn’t just a convenient buzzword. When talking about AI, most call recording vendors are referring to transcription. This is just the first step. The real imperative at the heart of Dubber is using AI to enable advanced analytics, workflow management, sentiment analysis, and more.
  3. Break free of application, storage and device silos. Legacy call recording platforms imposed high-costs, limited storage, and restricted call capture. This only gave enterprises a partial view of what was happening, and locked data into proprietary dashboards. Our open APIdata exporter, and application integrations allow you to use call data across your business.
  4. Secure your voice data. We capture voice data at the network level, and secure it with market-leading technology. Recording to local storage or application clouds outside of your control is high risk. Your voice data is as important as any other data, and should be protected.

The voice data revolution is just getting started. Getting your voice data strategy right today sets you up for long-term success and will help bridge the distance created by COVID-19.

What is fixed-mobile convergence?

What is fixed-mobile convergence?

In a world that is increasingly reliant on a workforce that can work anytime, anywhere, businesses are looking for increased connectivity through innovations in wired and wireless solutions. Enter fixed-mobile convergence (FMC), where calls can be seamlessly transferred from fixed to mobile devices and vice versa. Read an in-depth guide to FMC in our white paper.

Although FMC is by no means new, the infrastructure and investment required means it has been slow to realise. But with advancing technology, the idea of combining offerings into one bundle for customers is beginning to gain traction. Could 2020 see developments in converged offerings?

What does FMC mean for businesses?

The growing popularity of FMC is the result of both customer needs and networks looking to stay ahead of the competition and retain customers with more powerful, personalised services.

FMC solutions create a union between wired and wireless technologies and allow calls to continue without dropping even as the user moves from location to location and between devices. FMC also enables better reachability, so that customer-facing employees can be reached on the first try — whether they are in the office or out on the road. Similarly, single-number reach allows customers and clients to contact a business on one number that redirects calls to available contacts, through cloud-based communications technology.

Enterprises that deploy solutions that unify fixed and mobile communications will see increased productivity.

What does FMC mean for telecommunications service providers?

Telecommunications service providers have already begun to buy into the concept and are benefitting from being early adopters of the technology. By bundling their fixed and mobile services, service providers are likely to reduce customer churn as they are able to offer cheaper packages, while increasing average revenue per user.

These simplified communication solutions also make it easy for providers to offer value-added services like cloud-based call recording from one single, unified portal without requiring any up-front investment, hardware or lengthy setup processes.

By moving to the cloud, telecommunications service providers can combine wired and wireless communications in one solution, offering greater flexibility, ease of use, and reduced IT and network costs for providers and their users.

Get in touch to find out more about how Dubber call recording and voice AI can work with FMC solutions.

September 2019 quarterly update

September 2019 quarterly update

Our September quarter was a period characterised by growth: with expansion across sales, and new roles filled in Australia, Europe and North America across marketing; development; compliance; and support. This enhancement of the team will be instrumental in meeting our current priorities: providing call recording and voice AI (artificial intelligence) services for the Cisco Webex Calling platform, driving growth of mobile call recording in Australia, furthering our USA expansion with tier one carriers, rolling out a global artificial intelligence initiative, and continuing to develop our global distribution and reseller network.

Our key highlights for the period:

  • Revenue increased by 6% from the previous quarter to $2.15m, up 200% on the previous corresponding period (PCP).
  • End user subscriptions increased by 23% to over 117 000, up 165% on the PCP.
  • 113 agreements were made with service providers and 52 service providers reached billing stage.
  • Contracted annualised recurring revenue at 30th September was $10.2m.
  • Cisco Webex calling launched Dubber as their recording service 31st October.

We are strongly positioned to expand on our leadership in cloud call recording and data capture in traditional unified communication networks, fixed-mobile converged networks, and UCaaS networks.

Cisco Webex Calling

Cisco Webex Calling is a multi-tenant, cloud-based alternative to an on-premise PBX, and is available as a subscription service. In preparation, we achieved ISO 27001 compliance: a globally recognised standard for information security management systems. The service is now live and will be available via the Cisco order entry system.

Mobile and ‘whole of business’ recording

Businesses are now looking beyond call recording for compliance, and seeking mobile recording services and insights on customer interactions across the whole business. We are working towards a service that will provide widespread availability across Australia. During this preparation we have completed an agreement with Schepisi Communications and have been awarded the Telstra Enterprise Mobility Carriage Partner of the Year for 2019.

Continued momentum

Dubber co-founder and CEO Steve McGovern commented on the September quarter results:

“Fundamentally, we have scaled our operations from a ‘Founder led’ company to one which is able to execute on the opportunities which are in multiple jurisdictions.

We are pleased with our momentum towards facilitating widespread uptake of the Dubber platform as a mobile or fixed mobile converged offering. The Company believes that there is significant immediate demand for these services and activation of the initiatives should see user uptake and revenues grow strongly.

Our AI programs are continuing to gain momentum with our large partners like IBM. We are seeing strong increases in the number of enterprise customers, particularly in North America, that are interested in garnering business insights. We believe that gaining access to real-time voice calls on an enterprise-wide basis will be a strong business driver for us in 2020.

Throughout the remainder of FY20 we will continue to procure additional key carrier agreements, accelerate their time to billing and add new channel and systems integrator agreements to build out the global backbone of call recording. These are the foundations of growth for the next term and we are now ready to execute on these with the team we have in place.”

A scalable platform for growing businesses

A scalable platform for growing businesses

Our cloud storage sets us apart from other call recording service providers by offering a scalable platform for growing businesses. As a native cloud call recording solution, we offer a range of storage options to adapt to the needs of service providers and their customers. We built the Dubber platform in the cloud to offer unlimited scalability to our customers. What does this mean in practice?

Flexible options

Scalability offered by the cloud provides flexible approaches to user counts, processing capacity, and storage. Combined, these allow us to provide products and plans tailor-made for service providers.

Perpetual retention

A common challenge for on-premise solutions is that their sizing was undertaken at time of installation. As a business grows in both users and usage, a challenge can arise where the volume of daily new call recordings is beyond prediction. This forces administrators to balance which services are being recorded and the length of time to retain each recording.

This approach to retention is just not adequate in the real world, especially when regulations such as MiFID II require calls to be stored for five years. The Dubber platform has the capability to securely store large volumes of calls in perpetuity, giving organisations the tools they need to comply with the regulations of their industry.


Our Software-as-a-Service model allows us to offer a range of subscription options to telecommunications service providers and their customers. Want to cover call recording for compliance and contact centres but also offer packages with less commitment that introduce a whole new customer base to the benefits of call recording? Dubber has you covered. We offer low-cost and commitment-free packages with shorter storage periods that can be supplied alongside standard reserved call recording packages that require perpetual storage.

Unrestricted storage

As well as long-term options, the Dubber platform can also accommodate large call volumes. The unrestricted storage provided by the cloud allows for vast numbers of concurrent calls to be recorded. Dubber’s true cloud storage allows the solution to scale alongside a business during busy periods, and there are never any concerns about running out of space. Calls are always available instantly and are easily searchable.


Dubber is a native cloud platform, with an architecture specifically designed to provide maximum security for the recording data of all our users. The Dubber platform utilises sophisticated security systems, leveraging cutting edge cloud technologies to provide a highly secure and scalable call recording solution. All data is stored within our platform under AES-256 bit encryption, providing best-in-class security. The platform offers true cloud multi-tenancy architecture, ensuring separation of all customer data.

Learn more about our security

Get in touch to find out how the Dubber solution can scale to suit your business, contact us here.

June 2019 Quarterly Update

June 2019 Quarterly Update

Following April’s capital raise of $22m, we have utilised this investment to scale the business in order to pursue growth potential. Cash at bank as of 30th June 2019 was $19.6m, with the company fully funded to execute these opportunities. The leadership team has been expanded, and the service has now launched with Spark New Zealand and Bell Canada. Key metrics for the June quarter include:

  • Revenue increased 29% from $1.57m to $2.03m, with annual operating revenue increasing 269% from $1.5m to $5.54m
  • Telecommunications service providers at the billing stage increased to 106, from 36 in June 2018
  • Subscribers increased 222% to 94 825 over the year from 29 405, with 21 668 added in the June quarter

Commercial opportunities

Market conditions, customer and partner requirements, and the continued growth in cloud voice and data services has enabled Dubber to consolidate our position in the market. During the June quarter we have focused on scaling to capitalise on commercial opportunities and we have grown our sales team in order to procure network agreements and generate revenue across Australia, North America, and Europe. In order to support our channels, including IBM and Cisco/BroadSoft, we have increased resources to expand our reach with these organisations. Our AI development has continued with the enablement of third party integrations, including CRM systems and trading platforms, and other value added services for telecommunications service providers.

New staff

In order to strategically target growth opportunities around the world we have expanded our team, particularly in technology development, sales, account management, and application development. We have added 14 new staff members, including a director of global sales, a strategic partnership manager and a channel sales director for ANZ.

Service provider launches

In June, the Dubber service went live with Spark New Zealand on their Cloud Phone Service. Spark (formerly known as Telecom New Zealand) is one of New Zealand’s largest telecommunications and IT service providers. Shortly after the June quarter, Dubber also went live with Bell Canada, providing call recording to its Bell Total Connect Service. Bell Canada is the largest communications company in Canada. Customer subscriber numbers are expected to be reflected in the current quarter and beyond.

Continuing to build the global backbone of call recording

Dubber co-founder and CEO Steve McGovern commented on the June quarter results:

“Our service provider and technology partnership agreements represent some of the world’s largest telecommunications service providers and global technology sales channels. With a technology that is designed to meet large scale requirements, the business itself is in a position to scale to capitalise on the opportunities available to it.

“We have seen an acceleration of large enterprise customers moving quickly towards adopting AI in their operations (and thereby call recording), particularly in Australia and the USA. There have also been extensive developments in the cloud voice and collaboration markets in the last quarter that we believe will have a profound impact on the way voice and related services will be delivered to end customers.

“The Company’s short-term goals are unchanged – we will continue to procure additional key carrier agreements to build out the global backbone of call recording, to grow revenues on a quarterly basis, and to be cash flow positive on a monthly basis this calendar year end.”

Setting standards for security

Setting standards for security

Dubber are committed to providing the highest levels of security for our native cloud platform, as well as offering unlimited scalability, and rapid deployment to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients with no CapEx. Read on to find out the ways in which we maintain our high standards of security.

Cloud security

We chose to build our products and services in the cloud, specifically to leverage the levels of security that are only made possible through the cloud. Security is maintained at every stage of the call capture and data processing journey, with AES-256 encryption protecting recordings and multiple data storage sites mitigating any disaster recovery concerns.

Safe and secure sharing

The security of our platform is just one aspect that we considered when creating our solution. We also wanted to ensure that data was protected while still maintaining accessibility for businesses and individuals. Unlocking the valuable data stored in phone calls is one of the main reasons that customers choose Dubber solutions, but it is important to make sure that the owners of this data are protected. We created teams and permissions settings that restrict access to recordings, and a unique sharing function that does not share files with third parties but instead emails a non-downloadable link that expires for added security.

Local storage myths busted

Unfortunately, security is often a concern that prevents businesses from moving to the cloud. In reality, moving storage off-premise means organisations immediately mitigate the risk of having vulnerable data on-site. With data centres all over the world, we can offer a variety of options for organisations who require specific storage locations for their data. These storage centres also offer data sovereignty, so data is only stored in one geographic location. Within each location, data is written to multiple data centres for geographic redundancy: preventing data loss in the event that a data centre is compromised. These data centres guarantee availability of every single recorded call at any time, allowing quick and easy access to data for every customer.

Dubber’s cloud storage employs the latest in encryption technology to offer the highest protection, which is managed by a team of experts at a level that legacy solutions cannot compete with. Any data stored within Dubber is only stored by us, and not owned by us. Data rights are retained by the owners of the data, Dubber merely offer solutions that capture, process, and store data.

We are ISO certified

Dubber is ISO 27001 compliant. ISO 27001 is the globally recognised and respected standard for information security management systems (ISMS). In order to gain certification, an organisation must develop and implement a rigorous security management programme: including an ISMS. Organisations must systematically evaluate information security risks, taking the impact of security threats and vulnerabilities into consideration. Any security risks must be addressed with a comprehensive suite of information security controls. An audit and compliance management process must be implemented to ensure ongoing protection.

This achievement is an assurance that Dubber’s data security processes are effective at every level of our organisation. The Dubber core principle is one of agile and continuous improvement and this extends to our data security commitment.

Download our ISO certificate here.

How we protect data

  • Establishing, maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and continually improving our ISMS
  • Establishing, reviewing and communicating our information security objectives and performance measures
  • Committing to satisfy business, legal, and regulatory and contractual security obligations
  • Committing to continual improvement of our ISMS by seeking feedback from clients, staff, and through internal and external audits
  • Ensuring that the ISMS is communicated with every member of the Dubber team

Have any questions about our security? Drop us a line.

What are the risks of storing calls on-premise?

What are the risks of storing calls on-premise?

Organisations who download their recorded calls to local storage are putting valuable data at risk of damage, theft, or tampering. Dubber are committed to providing a secure and reliable call recording platform to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers: at an affordable monthly cost, with zero CapEx.

Why shouldn’t you download your calls?

There are four main risks associated with downloading recorded calls to local storage:

  • Security: Recorded calls downloaded to local storage are much more vulnerable to theft, damage, or tampering. Having only one on-premise server means fire or power shortages could destroy all recordings.
  • Access: Storing data locally can be detrimental to team members who need to access recordings, as it is often more difficult to manage and access recordings outside of a dedicated recording platform.
  • Cost: Using and maintaining on-premise storage solutions is expensive: both to set up and maintain on a day-to-day basis. Organisations need to either employ trained staff members, or to engage expensive third parties to manage the solutions. As incidents can occur at any time, this could result in call-out charges.
  • No audit trail: With local storage there is no audit trail. Users can listen, share, or delete recordings with no record of their actions.

Protect against risk with secure cloud storage

Utilising Dubber’s cloud solution, organisations immediately mitigate the risk of having vulnerable data on-site. The Dubber solution also employs the latest in encryption technology to offer the highest protection, which is managed by a team of experts at a level that legacy solutions cannot compete with.

Instant access to every call

Cloud storage with Dubber guarantees the availability of every single recorded call at any time, allowing quick and easy access to data for every customer. Storing calls with Dubber also allows users to retrieve calls instantly with advanced elastic search functionality that trawls every call, no matter when it was recorded. Cloud storage also facilitates ease of use for remote workers or those based in different offices. With all recorded calls available to access from any location, staff working across different locations can continue to playback recordings and use voice data without being in the office.

Consistent costs with no surprises

The costly management and staff resources associated with local storage can all be avoided with long-term storage with Dubber. All of the setup, management, and ongoing maintenance is covered by Dubber, meaning that costs stay the same, no matter what. The monthly subscription fee is the only expense, and there are no worries about unexpected costs in the future. Dubber’s SaaS model keeps costs down to a low monthly payment, rather than requiring CapEx that can be difficult when obtaining budget allowances.

Detailed audit trails

Access to calls is restricted by permissions structures to prevent unauthorised access or sharing of calls or data, and all activity is tracked and timestamped in order to create comprehensive audit trails. A full audit is collected for any transaction within the Dubber platform. All activity, such as users listening to, sharing, and deleting recordings, is monitored and logged within the platform. This logging provides both real-time monitoring of the platform and its status.

Offer your customers cost-effective storage from Dubber

Join Dubber and offer your customers long-term, secure cloud storage for their recorded calls. With no restrictions of storage space, no requirements of on-premise equipment, and instant access to all recorded calls, Dubber’s solution is second to none. What this offers is the opportunity to safely store huge amounts of valuable data, worth much more than marginal savings on a call recording package that might allow only 90 days of storage.

Get in touch to find out more about the benefits of long-term storage with Dubber.

Why is security important in a digital age?

Why is security important in a digital age?

How much personal data did you share today? Within a digital society, where web browsers sometimes know more about us than our friends, security is more important than ever. For businesses who process personal data from their consumers, ensuring they protect this information is vital.

The consequences of poor security

Security breaches are big news: the headlines that result from data hacks can be disastrous for an organisation’s reputation. Consumer relationships with brands are built on trust and customers need to feel that their data is safe, otherwise they are likely to look for alternatives.

In order to help protect consumer data, the EU have enacted the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to set a standard for businesses to adhere to when dealing with the management and storage of customer data. Failure to comply with the data protection requirements of this regulation can result in fines of up to €20m or 4% of annual turnover for the prior year, whichever is higher. Read our post on how the GDPR will affect call recording for more information.

In order to comply with the GDPR, and to ensure that their customers feel that their data is secure, businesses need to examine their data storage. In the past many organisations saw on-site storage as the best option, but the rise of the cloud has shown the benefits of digital transformation and the advantages of cloud storage over on-premise solutions.

What are the risks of storing calls on-premise?

Recorded calls downloaded to local storage are much more vulnerable to theft, damage, or tampering. Having only one on-premise server means fire or power shortages could destroy all recordings. With local storage there is no audit trail. Users can listen, share, or delete recordings with no record of their actions.

With a cloud storage solution from Dubber, not only are calls more secure but there are many other advantages over on-site solutions. The cloud allows users to have convenient access to information held within phone calls — anytime, anywhere. This access is managed through strict security permissions that are allocated by designated admin users, and a full audit trail can be traced. Colleagues can collaborate from across locations, and workers are no longer tied to their desks.

Dubber’s security

Recorded calls are not only a valuable source of insight, for some businesses they make the difference between compliance and non compliance. That’s why at Dubber we have put security at the forefront of every stage of the recording process.

Simple and secure access: we ensure that users can easily and securely log in to view calls, but only with strong passwords. With strict teams and permissions settings, calls cannot be accessed by unauthorised personnel.

Single sign-on: the Dubber portal can now be accessed with single sign-on, allowing users to authenticate themselves using third-party credentials.

Sophisticated security and encryption: recorded calls are encrypted using AES-256 at every stage of the recording process.

Industry-leading security standards: Dubber is ISO 27001 compliant. Download our ISO certificate here.

What is ISO 27001?

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security, which provides a framework for the information security management system (ISMS) within an organisation. Like Dubber, ISO 27001 is all about constant improvement, and encourages a system that works to constantly optimise itself.

In order to gain certification, we developed and implemented a rigorous security management programme, including an ISMS. This management system went through a rigorous auditing process that thoroughly examined our approach to information security and the controls we have put in place. We were able to achieve this by establishing an ISMS leadership team, comprising of senior management, and an InfoSec lead to champion and to manage this within Dubber. We engaged InfoSec consultant QMIS in the early stages of the initiative and we leveraged the tool to enable us to centrally manage our ISMS, and to make ongoing governance easier for us in the long term. In order to receive our certificate, we worked with these cloud security specialists and were put through a rigorous auditing process that thoroughly examined the information security management and controls we have put in place.

“Our ISO 27001 certification is an important indication of our dedication to protecting the information handled by Dubber. Our approach to compliance and security has always been proactive and rooted in continuous improvement, and this certification shows our dedication and long-term commitment to data protection.”

— James Slaney, Dubber Head of Product

The key principles

The three tenets of an ISO 27001 compliant ISMS are:

  • Confidentiality: ensuring access to information is restricted to certain authorised individuals
  • Integrity: ensuring that information processing methods are consistently accurate and thorough
  • Availability: making access to information and assets available to authorised individuals
How we protect data

Here are some of the ways we at Dubber are continually working to protect the data we process both on our platform and throughout our organisation:

  • Establishing, maintaining, monitoring, reviewing, auditing and continually improving our ISMS
  • Establishing, reviewing and communicating our information security objectives and performance measures
  • Committing to satisfy business, legal, and regulatory and contractual security obligations
  • Committing to continual improvement of our ISMS by seeking feedback from clients, staff, and through internal and external audits
  • Ensuring that the ISMS is communicated with every member of the Dubber team

To learn more about Dubber security, you can download our white paper, or get in touch with one of our team.