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Profit from every Conversation

Profit from every Conversation

Service provider communications infrastructure is the backbone of society. However, the ability to generate value from these networks has diminished and is increasingly challenged.

As a critical infrastructure, telecommunications is highly valued by businesses and the community and vital to the current and future success of the economy. Despite this, it is frequently viewed as little more than a utility. Understanding future value creation for service providers of every kind requires a shift in focus from the network as a utility to the network as an exponential source of value based on the content flowing on it. Doing so enables us to reimagine the potential of the network and unlock the huge social and productivity benefits that our sector can deliver.

Conversations are the life of the network

Conversations make the network – they are the life of the network. Hundreds of billions have been invested in network infrastructure to make them possible – with more still to come.
Despite this investment, we constantly hear from service providers about their difficulties extracting value from the network.

“Over the past decade, telcos have been under continuous pressure as their traditional value pools have gradually eroded and new growth horizons have proven elusive, driving return on investment capital (ROIC) ever closer to weighted average cost of capital (WACC).” – McKinsey, A Blueprint for Telecom’s Critical Reinvention.

Now, ROIC is barely higher than WACC and falling – caused by high and rising requirements to invest CAPEX into network infrastructure. Network expenditure is forecast to rise significantly over the coming years as operators deploy 5G and edge-cloud networks, recasting consumer and enterprise value propositions in the process.

At the same time, telcos have seen other players in parallel verticals monetise the value of the network. Globally, the share of profit of the top 25 telcos has declined by 46% versus internet companies; the share of market cap has declined by 60%, and the share of revenue has declined by 40%, all while Google, Microsoft, Zoom, Facebook et al. have grown exponentially.

The pressure is unrelenting with the accelerating growth of OTT providers and MVNOs. None of these companies would exist without the demand for a conversation on the network. The need to communicate – to collaborate on work – to connect with friends and family drives their value.

But if conversations are the life of the network – why haven’t we been able to monetise the content they are made of? Why isn’t every unit of a conversation a source of ever-increasing value? And, why are others making more money running on the network than those investing in the network?

Unlocking value from the network through conversations

Already, Gartner predicts that 75% of business conversations will be recorded by 2025. This isn’t for compliance or traditional call recording requirements as we know them today, but because conversations are an extremely content-rich source of data that is now able to be enriched with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP). Together these technologies make it possible to surface customer satisfaction and revenue insights in real-time and resolve Customer and Employee disputes efficiently. And meetings turned from time-wasters to productivity boosters.

When, where and how conversations occur has changed substantially. A new conversational era is upon us with employee and customer behaviour leap-frogging ten plus years. Remoting working has been matched by an acceleration in remote selling and service.

In 2021, video conferencing skyrocketed, with 82% of Australians starting or increasing their usage. Much of this shift was accelerated by COVID and the drive to hybrid working – it didn’t just change where we work, but how we communicate and when we work. Unified Communications exploded – challenging Telcos across everything from control of the customer to tech to margin.

And the pace of this shift isn’t stopping. Global UC spending is projected to grow at a 5% CAGR to reach $53 billion in 2025. Microsoft has surpassed 270 million monthly active Teams users globally, while Cisco Webex Calling has hit a record 8 billion monthly calls. And in 2021, Zoom grew Australian users by more than 54 times. And now 5G is set to create further opportunity – mobile will matter more than ever before, resulting in more endpoints and new kinds of end-points more connected than ever.

So how to service providers extract value from these shifts?

The first step in extracting the value of content and conversations on the network – and this starts by turning them into meaningful data sources by embedding conversational capture as a native feature of the network. Compliant, secure and scaleable capture enables AI-enriched insights and data to be produced from transcribed content in full or fragments.

From content in the Dubber Conversation Cloud, new services and applications can be developed rapidly based on data derived from conversations. At the most basic level, new subscription-based services fuel potential revenue at twice that of the service costs.

Dubber’s suite of service provider embedded products capture conversations across all endpoints and unify them – representing a unique opportunity to generate value from the network, no matter how people communicate.

By increasing revenue, retention and differentiation, we can change the economics of the network together.

The $600B revenue opportunity on 5G – new frontiers

5G is here and the opportunities for generating growth on provider networks are immense. As a new study by Juniper Research suggests, “revenue generated from 5G services will reach $600 billion by 2026; representing 77% of global operator-billed revenue.”

The study highlights multi-device subscriptions as a critical focus, and points to an increasing explosion of devices and data communications.

Another driver of 5G services is the need for organisations to effectively communicate and collaborate under a now pervasive hybrid work model, where “AI & ML was surveyed to be the #1 enabling transformative technology.”

Where can communications service providers expect to see new opportunities?

The possibilities of 5G mean far lower latency, and higher throughput on networks. What this means is that applications running on 5G can be far richer in experience for users than what’s possible on 4G.

A big component of this will be collaborative work across the globe – across voice, video, and chat, with apps that can support AR and intelligence overlays. How, when, where, and why we communicate in our business and personal lives will be key.

“93% of business leaders agree that communication is the backbone of business” – The State of Business Communication, Grammarly

If every major communications service provider has 5G, and needs to charge more to support this investment, the question remains: “How do we create differentiated services that not only demonstrate the power of 5G but also drive switching and adoption?”

Boosting ARPU with conversational intelligence

“Flat/declining ARPU is making it more important than ever that CSPs target their network investments in areas with the highest potential for sustainable growth and optimal return on investment (ROI).” – Planning today for the networks – and revenue opportunities – of tomorrow, Infovista

“For service providers, this marks a critical turning point in translating the power of the data coursing through networks to true value – both in ARPU and for their customers.”
– James Slaney, COO, Dubber

Dubber’s network-embedded conversational intelligence capabilities that analyze and give insights across voice, video, and chat, make it an unparalleled opportunity to help organisations do hybrid work effectively on 5G.

Service providers have unprecedented data flowing in the content on their networks – and it’s largely untapped. 5G will result in an exponential data explosion and it’s up to service providers to capitalise on the value of that data.

A crucial key to unlocking the value of data on 5G is in transforming conversations on voice and unified communications services into data. Notes by Dubber does just this – driving revenue, retention, and differentiation. Unlike many applications built purely for end-users, Notes By Dubber starts as a core network service – instantly embeddable and scaleable.

Get in touch to learn more about how putting Dubber on your voice, video, and chat offerings can help deliver ROI on your 5G investments.

Can corporate culture survive and thrive in hybrid work?

Can corporate culture survive and thrive in hybrid work?

“The Pandemic has forever changed the trajectory of the work environment. CxOs understand this but culture, processes and technology are not yet mature enough to meet the expectations of today’s workforce.” 

– 2022 Future of Work Study, Incisiv


Corporate culture is an intrinsic part of every business. When caring and order reign, and teamwork, trust, and respect are present, the workplace thrives. When company culture starts going south, employee engagement, loyalty, and retention rates go down, and conflict goes up. It’s a slippery slope, and many businesses have found it difficult to maintain a strong corporate culture in the shift to hybrid work.


Sustaining company culture is one of the top challenges facing businesses today in the shift to hybrid work. Why? Because distance and lack of modernised technology have caused friction in the workplace, which has led to a decline in satisfaction with company culture overall.

“Only 56% of C-suite executives believe they have been able to sustain their organization’s culture while working in a distributed working model”

– 2022 Future of Work Study, Incisiv


Service providers can help bridge the gap that has emerged in company culture by offering solutions that monitor and assess employee wellbeing across distance.


“Companies with strong culture achieve three times higher total return to shareholders than others.” – McKinsey, 2020


Dubber’s conversational analytics empowers businesses to bridge this gap – with insights into employee engagement, satisfaction, and connection collectively across the enterprise, as well as drilling down to the team or individual level. It’s a chance to put an end to not knowing. It’s also a chance to rebuild corporate culture to fit a hybrid work model, utilising the resources you already have to inform decision making. Dubber unifies conversations across all endpoints on phone, mobile, and Unified Communications platforms such as MS Teams, Cisco Webex, and Zoom for the full picture.


How conversational intelligence boosts company culture in hybrid work


  • Know your people and teams with real-time sentiment analytics – by meeting, team or company-wide, whether in-person or online
  • Replay, share and evidence crucial conversations to coach and resolve interpersonal issues based on exactly what was said in remote meetings
  • Reduce meeting overload and burnout by enabling team members to quickly surface the parts of meetings relevant to them without having to attend the meeting
  • Discover when teams are not communicating enough, to re-evaluate and reignite modern team-building practices


Service providers can enable their customers by offering Dubber as an essential service alongside their remote communications tool stack. Ask us how Dubber can help double your revenue on every endpoint.

Forbes: Hybrid Will Be The New Work Style, But 72% Of Businesses Lack A Strategy, AT&T’s ‘Future Of Work’ Study Shows

Forbes: Hybrid Will Be The New Work Style, But 72% Of Businesses Lack A Strategy, AT&T’s ‘Future Of Work’ Study Shows

As companies are announcing their return-to-office policies, it appears that the trend heavily leans toward the hybrid model. After two years of people working remotely, the hybrid model—understandably—seems like a practical way to ease into commuting and working in an office setting.

To learn more about what businesses are doing regarding how people will work in the post-pandemic environment, AT&T launched a new future-of-work study. “The State of the Industry: Future of Work” survey, conducted on behalf of AT&T and Dubber Corporation Limited, was composed of 303 United States-based respondents, 87% above director level, across five key industries, with more than one million employees represented and 34% with companies over $1 billion in revenue.

The survey was created to gain insights from senior executives regarding current and future work models, challenges posed under new working models and technology accelerants to aid change in the way that businesses conduct work out to 2024.

Hybrid work isn’t without challenges. For instance, people complained that they were forced to commute three hours roundtrip to work in a cubicle, only to find that the folks they need to collaborate with aren’t even in the office. The person is left feeling frustrated, fuming that they are sending emails and jumping on Zoom calls in the office by themself, when they could have been home, saving the commute time and money for gas.

The results reveal that while hybrid is the preferred choice by many businesses, 72% of businesses lack a clear hybrid work strategy. The findings also show other sentiments and challenges around Covid-driven hybrid working, including lack of innovation, insufficient oversight, and cultural shifts.

This and other reasons have caused executives in the study to say, that although hybrid work will be “the default by 2024,” leadership is “exploring ways to overcome barriers caused by the new model of work, such as building culture remotely and the application of technology—specifically artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)—in critical business use-cases.”

Alicia Dietsch, senior vice president of business marketing at AT&T, said about the survey, “There’s been a non-reversible shift in the way business is done thanks to the constraints of Covid-19. It’s clear that a successful talent program now requires a hybrid work policy, but that policy needs to be supported by a strategic tech-first cultural reset, to ensure business growth and competition.” Dietsch pointed out, “Firms need to ask themselves if they have the in-house expertise to achieve this, or whether it’s now time to go beyond a partner in remote infrastructure rollout to a partner in tech-first remote business strategy.”

Highlights Of The AT&T Study
  • Hybrid work will be the default by 2024, and half of work will be performed offsite: 81% believe hybrid work will be the foremost working model by 2024, with 56% of work done off-site
  • Vast majority of businesses lack a detailed hybrid work strategy: 72% lack a detailed strategy and 76% don’t have the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to support hybrid working models
  • Tension between what employees want and what organizations prefer: 86% believe their employees prefer a hybrid work model, but 64% believe their organization prefers an on-premise work model
  • 100% of respondents believe a hybrid work model will help attract young talent

It’s interesting to note how quickly things have changed. Last year redefined how companies conducted business with just 24% of respondents’ employees working onsite. Before Covid-19, these nontraditional work models were more likely to be viewed as employee perks.

Lack of workplace innovation, insufficient oversight, and cultural shifts were identified as three barriers to successful hybrid work, but respondents believe they’re not insurmountable. With investment in strategy, building culture remotely, and the application of technology—specifically AI—in critical business use cases, firms can transition to a successful hybrid-first work environment.

The top challenges to effective hybrid work identified by the chief experience officer—a C-suite business executive responsible for a company’s overall experience—include maintaining employee oversight, losing institutional or tribal knowledge, and sustaining company culture—all traditionally highly associated with in-person work.

Mass adoption of new work models has shown to be partially effective, with 79% of firms believing that employees have been productive, although not without resulting challenges, with only 45% confident in employee innovation throughout the period.

Gaurav Pant, cofounder and chief insights officer at Incisiv, said about artificial intelligence and machine learning, Covid-19 has been the single most transformative event in shaping the future of work. Attitudes toward working models have dramatically transformed over the last 24 months, and the ‘hybrid’ working model will soon become the default. Firms need to upgrade their employee technology stack and undergo a cultural reset to prepare for this new normal.”

Artificial intelligence and machine learning were identified as the top transformative technologies in the survey, with their intrinsic value identified specifically in the areas of employee training, intelligent enterprise search and learning, and conversational help.

The research shows that while employee productivity is maturing, with high analytics adoption, other areas like revenue leakage and employee retention require further investment. A need for deeper analytics and insights, driven by AI, into both the customer and employee can be accomplished by mining and transforming data from remote conversations and interactions to build new models of operation in targeted business functions.

“We’ve taken the first steps into a ‘work-from-anywhere’ world. Removing employees from the workplace was necessary, but creating distance wasn’t,” said Steve McGovern, CEO of Dubber. “Our technology is served directly from AT&T’s networks, as part of an AT&T service enabling organizations to capture every conversation and turn them into data and seamlessly share insights as desired. Knowing and understanding how employees are performing and, indeed, their general welfare can have significant impacts on how businesses manage this hybrid workplace environment. This can be achieved via immediate customer insight including, for example, real-time sentiment analytics. AI makes it possible to mine this vast treasure trove of information,” McGovern added.

“Businesses moved with urgency to distance employees. Now, they need to do the same when it comes to deploying the tools needed to overcome distance. Closing the gap between a business and their customers and employees should be a priority for every executive and it’s available directly from the AT&T service.”

Hybrid Work: The New Way to Work

The “Future of Work” study highlighted that while many firms responded to a shift in working models as needed, this largely resulted in “Band-Aid” solutions to enabling hybrid work, with the majority lacking a detailed strategy to support it. The resulting length of time working remotely is now driving a cultural and technology reset in business to which AI and ML will be critical in delivering advanced functionality to drive innovation and collaboration.

  • Hybrid work to advance diversity: 91% believe a hybrid work model will improve workforce diversity
  • Cultural shift required: 58% believe they don’t have the culture to sustain a hybrid work model
  • Hybrid working is impacting innovation and collaboration: 79% believe hybrid working is effective in driving productivity, but 45% feel it does not support innovation and 54% see it impacting collaboration
  • Conversational help: 71% believe that AI and ML in conversational help will have an important business impact
  • AI & ML in conversational insights is transforming work: With the tech having a high impact on employee productivity, customer intelligence, attracting new talent, revenue leakage, call center intelligence, and retaining talent

This article originally appeared in 
Forbes on 16 March 2022.

How to ensure compliance on Microsoft Teams

How to ensure compliance on Microsoft Teams

Solving compliance on Microsoft Teams

Businesses need to record their Microsoft Teams calls for various compliance reasons: including limiting liability, resolving disputes, and providing evidence of advice given, transactions, and trades.

Using Teams, shouldn’t mean compromising the compliance standards you set out to achieve or investing in more capital expenditure. The need for a unified and cost-effective approach to communication capture has never been more urgent.

What you’ll find inside

This guide will show how to create a secure, compliant and scalable system of record for every conversation – across Microsoft Teams and other communication channels in your business.

  • Why compliance call recording is essential for Microsoft Team
  • Why on-premise and hosted recording solutions aren’t viable post-COVID
  • The 15 most important factors in choosing the right call recording solution for your needs
Service Provider Trends Outlook

Service Provider Trends Outlook

Are you ready for what comes next?

Download the whitepaper by leading telecommunications industry analyst firm Cavell Group, to discover the key trends impacting service providers and what every service provider needs to do next.

See What’s Inside

2022 will see the next major shifts in the global communications landscape. From a reassessment of the solutions deployed in the first wave of the pandemic through to the continued and rapid evolution business models to grow revenue, improve operating performance, and drive retention and differentiation.

This paper seeks to highlight key trends and potential paths forward for service providers.

Learn about:
  • The key telecommunications industry trends including new and emerging competitors
  • New ways to create value using a multipronged approach
  • Emerging user trends driving new strategy such as fragmentation of communication


“Successful service providers will be driven by addressing short-term opportunities to seize untapped growth with a holistic approach to transformation.”

Pandemic’s Lasting Impact on Communications Industry: Nearly a Third of Enterprises Will Consider Changing Service Providers in 2022

Pandemic’s Lasting Impact on Communications Industry: Nearly a Third of Enterprises Will Consider Changing Service Providers in 2022

Barcelona, Spain (Mobile World Congress) and Melbourne, Australia – 2 March 2022 — Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX: DUB) (Dubber) today launched the results of a commissioned research study by Cavell Group, identifying the top trends service providers globally will be focusing on in 2022.

Throughout all the trends identified in the Cavell report, the lasting impact of the global pandemic on service providers and their business operations are clear.  During the first wave of the pandemic, enterprises and carriers sought to rapidly deploy solutions to support remote access and business continuity.  Now, these efforts are being superseded by a second imperative as enterprises seek to improve “band-aid” responses and address a more permanent state of hybrid working.  In almost all areas of their business, service providers will continue to adapt to the dramatic changes in the workforce behaviour patterns that emerged in the global pandemic and will continue into 2022.

Major Trends Identified in the Report Include:

  • The rapid rise of unified communications and a proliferation of communications channels have shifted the strategic planning of every service provider, increasing the pressure to create new sources of revenue and buttress margins, and to drive differentiation and retention
  • Communication and collaboration solutions will continue to try and recreate in-person experiences. Distributed video, Unified Communication as a Service (UCaaS), Contact Centre as a Service, and CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) services will continue to be in high demand.
  • Competition with hyper-scalers and OTT providers will intensify in 2022
  • Compliance, security, governance, ransomware and risk mitigation solutions will drive a new wave of demand from enterprises as they look for ways to “tighten up” across all major infrastructure, including communications.  Agile service providers and managed service providers will look to meet these requirements with new and differentiated service offerings
  • Extracting additional value from service provider data, voice data, and other analytics services will provide service providers opportunities to differentiate their service offerings

Steve McGovern, CEO, Dubber: “As service providers move into 2022 and transition beyond the severe impacts of Covid-19, a set of new trends are poised to reshape the service provider landscape again. Dubber believes that 2022 will be a pivotal year for the global service provider industry as carriers seek to grow and adapt to the changes brought on by the mass distribution of workforces of the last two years.  While the roll out of 5G services will continue to grab headlines in many countries, even bigger threats and opportunities exist that will remake what we view the traditional role of a service provider to be.  We are very optimistic that strong growth opportunities will be available for Dubber and our service provider partners as we drive voice data and new value-added services that will improve business outcomes for our joint customers in the year ahead.”

Matthew Townend, Executive Director, Cavell Group: “The first wave of the global pandemic rapidly accelerated unified communications and mobile, changing the service provider landscape materially. The second wave will not be the same, with enterprises looking to bolster solutions deployed in the first with greater security and compliance; adapt to hybrid working as a permanent way of working; and secure greater intelligence and compliance from content. AI and automation based on conversational data are new frontiers for service providers and represent a significant opportunity to improve revenue, differentiation and retention.”



About Dubber:

Dubber is unlocking the potential of voice data from any call or conversation. Dubber is the world’s most scalable Unified Call Recording service and Voice Intelligence Cloud adopted as core network infrastructure by multiple global leading telecommunications carriers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Dubber allows service providers to offer conversational recording from virtually any source – turning them into AI-enriched insights for compliance, revenue, customer and people intelligence. Dubber is a disruptive innovator in the multi-billion-dollar call recording industry. Its Software as a Service offering removes the need for on-premise hardware, applications or costly and limited storage.

About Cavell Group:

Cavell Group is an EMEA-focused research, consulting, engineering and education services business with offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, and remote associates worldwide. Known as a leading provider of insight into the cloud communications and managed services markets, a key source of market intelligence for service providers, vendors and potential investors, Cavell Group was formed nearly 20 years ago, by a team of senior executives, who had been instrumental in building the early internet market both at UUNET and Level 3. Since 2003, the firm has delivered consulting services, research, due diligence and professional services solutions in over 50 countries worldwide. Cavell has built a strong reputation as leading analysts of the cloud communications market, providing strategic consulting and research in EMEA and the USA to service providers, vendors, manufacturers and private equity firms.


European/Mobile World Congress Media
Annabel Clementson
+44 7951 786435

A/NZ Investors
Simon Hinsley
+61 (0) 401 809 653

A/NZ Media
Terry Alberstein
+61 (0) 458 484 921

10 Things Every Business Needs to Know About the Future of Work

10 Things Every Business Needs to Know About the Future of Work

Dubber and AT&Ts “The Future of Work” study highlighted that while many firms had responded to a shift in working models as needed, this had largely resulted in “band-aid” solutions to enabling hybrid work, with the majority lacking a detailed strategy to support it.

The resulting length of time working remotely is now driving a cultural and technology reset in business – to which AI and ML will be critical in delivering advanced functionality to drive innovation and collaboration.

  1. Hybrid work the default by 2024: Half of work performed offsite: 81% believe hybrid work will be the foremost working model by 2024, with 56% of work done offsite.
  2. Oversight of employees challenged: C-level executives ranked employee oversight, losing institutional/tribal knowledge and sustaining culture as the primary challenges.
  3. Clear gap between C-suite and operational executives: Operational executives ranked onboarding, the lack of a comprehensive strategy, and technological debt as more significant than C-level executives.
  4. Tension between what employees want and what organizations prefer: 86% believe their employees prefer a hybrid work model but 64% believe their organization prefers an on-premise work model.
  5. Hybrid working strategy and policies are critical to talent attraction: 100% believe a hybrid work model will help attract young talent. 97% believe a hybrid work model will help attract new talent.
  6. Hybrid work to advance diversity: 91% believe a hybrid work model will improve workforce diversity.
  7. Cultural shift required: 58% believe they don’t have the culture to sustain a hybrid work model.
  8. Hybrid working is impacting innovation and collaboration: Hybrid working seen as effective in driving productivity – 79% but not supporting innovation – 45% and impacting collaboration – 54%.
  9. Conversational AI will make a difference: 71% believe that AI and ML in conversational help will have an important business impact.
  10. AI & ML in conversational insights is transforming work: With the tech having a high impact on Employee Productivity, Customer Intelligence, Attracting New Talent, Revenue Leakage, Call Center Intelligence, and Retaining Talent.


72% of businesses lack clear hybrid work strategy according to the 2022 Future of Work Study

72% of businesses lack clear hybrid work strategy according to the 2022 Future of Work Study

DALLAS and Melbourne, Australia – March 1, 2022 — AT&T* and Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX: DUB) (Dubber) today announced the results of primary market research gauging executive and employee attitudes to COVID-driven hybrid working.

The State of the Industry: Future of Work survey was created to gain insights from senior executives regarding current and future work models, challenges posed under new working models, and technology accelerants to aid change in the way that businesses conduct work out to 2024.

The research shows hybrid work – a mixture of onsite and remote work – will become the standard operating model across industries by 2024. Striking results included:

  • Hybrid work the default by 2024, half of work performed offsite: 81% believe hybrid work will be the foremost working model by 2024, with 56% of work done offsite
  • Vast majority of businesses lack a detailed hybrid work strategy: 72% lack a detailed strategy and 76% don’t have the right key performance indicators (KPIs) to support hybrid working models
  • Tension between what employees want and what organizations prefer: 86% believe their employees prefer a hybrid work model but 64% believe their organization prefers an on-premise work model
  • 100% of respondents believe a hybrid work model will help attract young talent

2021 was identified as a redefining year in how companies conducted business with just 24% of respondents’ employees working onsite. Before COVID-19, these non-traditional work models were more likely to be viewed as employee perks.

Lack of workplace innovation, insufficient oversight, and cultural shifts were identified as three barriers to successful hybrid work, but participants believed they were not insurmountable. With investment in strategy, building culture remotely, and the application of technology – specifically AI – in critical business use-cases, firms can transition to a successful hybrid-first work environment.

The top challenges to effective hybrid work identified by CXOs include: maintaining employee oversight, losing institutional/tribal knowledge, and sustaining company culture – all traditionally highly associated with in-person work. Mass adoption of new work models has shown to be partially effective, with 79% of firms believing that employees have been productive, although not without resulting challenges, with only 45% confident in employee innovation throughout the period.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) were identified as the top transformative technologies in the survey, with their intrinsic value identified specifically in the areas of employee training, intelligent enterprise search and learning, and conversational help.

The research shows that while employee productivity is maturing, with high analytics adoption, other areas like revenue leakage and employee retention require further investment. A need for deeper analytics and insights – driven by AI – into both the customer and employee can be accomplished by mining and transforming data from remote conversations and interactions – to build new models of operation in targeted business functions.

Alicia Dietsch, Senior Vice President, AT&T Business Marketing: “There’s been a non-reversible shift in the way business is done thanks to the constraints of COVID-19. It’s clear that a successful talent program now requires a hybrid work policy, but that policy needs to be supported by a strategic tech-first cultural reset, to ensure business growth and competition. Firms need to ask themselves if they have the in-house expertise to achieve this, or whether it’s now time to go beyond a partner in remote infrastructure rollout to a partner in tech-first remote business strategy.”

Steve McGovern, CEO, Dubber: “We’ve taken the first steps into a ‘work from anywhere’ world. Removing employees from the workplace was necessary but creating distance wasn’t.”

“Our technology is served directly from AT&T’s networks as part of an AT&T service enabling organizations to capture every conversation and turn them into data and seamlessly share insights as desired. Knowing and understanding how employees are performing and, indeed, their general welfare can have significant impacts on how businesses manage this hybrid workplace environment. This can be achieved via immediate customer insight including, for example, real-time sentiment analytics. AI makes it possible to mine this vast treasure trove of information.”

“Businesses moved with urgency to distance employees. Now they need to do the same when it comes to deploying the tools needed to overcome distance. Closing the gap between a business and their customers and employees should be a priority for every executive and, it’s available directly from the AT&T service.”

Gaurav Pant, Co-Founder/Chief Insights Officer, Incisiv: “COVID-19 has been the single most transformative event in shaping the future of work. Attitudes towards working models have dramatically transformed over the last 24 months, and the “hybrid” working model will soon become default. Firms needs to upgrade their employee technology stack and undergo a cultural reset to prepare for this new normal.”

Research Highlights & Background: Hybrid Work = The New Way to Work

The Future of Work study highlighted that while many firms responded to a shift in working models as needed, this largely resulted in “band-aid” solutions to enabling hybrid work, with the majority lacking a detailed strategy to support it. The resulting length of time working remotely is now driving a cultural and technology reset in business – to which AI and ML will be critical in delivering advanced functionality to drive innovation and collaboration.

Additional research highlights include:

  • Hybrid work to advance diversity: 91% believe a hybrid work model will improve workforce diversity.
  • Cultural shift required: 58% believe they don’t have the culture to sustain a hybrid work model.
  • Hybrid working is impacting innovation and collaboration: 79% believe hybrid working is effective in driving productivity, but 45% feel it does not support innovation and 54% see it impacting collaboration.
  • Conversational help: 71% believe that AI and ML in conversational help will have an important business impact.
  • AI & ML in conversational insights is transforming work: With the tech having a high impact on Employee Productivity, Customer Intelligence, Attracting New Talent, Revenue Leakage, Call Center Intelligence, and Retaining Talent.

The Future of Work study from Incisiv was conducted on behalf of AT&T and Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX: DUB) (Dubber), between October 2021 – November 2021. The survey comprised 303 US-based respondents, 87% above Director level, across five key industries, with 1M+ employees represented, and 34% with companies over $1B in revenue.

About AT&T Communications

We help family, friends and neighbors connect in meaningful ways every day. From the first phone call 140+ years ago to mobile video streaming, we @ATT innovate to improve lives. AT&T Communications is part of AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T). For more information, please visit us at

About Dubber

Dubber is unlocking the potential of voice data from any call or conversation directly from the network. Dubber is the world’s most scalable Unified Call Recording service and Voice Intelligence Cloud adopted as core network infrastructure by multiple global leading telecommunications carriers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Dubber allows service providers to offer recording from virtually any source – turning them into AI-enriched insights for compliance, revenue, customer and people intelligence. Dubber is a disruptive innovator in the multi-billion-dollar call recording industry. Its Software as a Service offering removes the need for on-premise hardware, applications or costly and limited storage.


For more information, please contact:

For AT&T:
Andrea Huguely
+1 (972) 207-8630

For Dubber:

Simon Hinsley
+61 (0) 401 809 653

Terry Alberstein
+61 (0) 458 484 921

AI for Hybrid Work: The New Frontier for Service Providers

AI for Hybrid Work: The New Frontier for Service Providers

Hybrid work is here to stay, and will be the default working model by 2024. 

It’s official, there’s no going back from hybrid work. But are businesses truly ready to run effectively in a hybrid environment? In new research, it’s clear that employees are all for it, but enterprises are accutely aware they don’t yet have the right technology, strategy, and KPIs in place to do it effectively. This is a massive market for service providers to capitalise on – and is just the beginning.

The Future of Work, a new study by Incisiv, conducted in November 2021 on behalf of Dubber and AT&T, surveyed executives across a broad range of industries to uncover insights into the current state of working models, and where businesses will be in 2024.

In Covid-19 recovery, businesses have spoken. Current and future working configurations have significant gaps in employee oversight and talent attraction, revenue leakage, and compliance activities. The only way to resolve these issues is to implement data capture and intelligence across all work communications. This represents a unique opportunity service providers to offer the infrastructure to do exactly this, across the breadth of communications services.

Data capture, aggregation, and analytics across all mobile, UC, video, and chat.

Who else has the capability to offer a unified data capture and analytics solution across mobile, fixed-line, and Unifed Communications services – Webex, Zoom, MS Teams, and more? Service providers must step up to offer enterprises the solutions they need to effectively do business in this new normal.

Unlock new revenue streams by:

  • Assisting businesses to deploy optimal hybrid work infrastructure and services
  • Rolling out AI/ML solutions for communications platforms and services

Dubber and Notes by Dubber are available for fast deployment across services, embedded in service provider networks. Our cloud-native offerings mean zero CAPEX or product management for you, with sales and service support thanks to our team.

Introducing Dubber PCI Comply for Amazon Connect

Introducing Dubber PCI Comply for Amazon Connect

Many credit card processing solutions create serious PCI compliance risks for both consumers and businesses, leaving the door open for fraud, theft, and data leaks. However, with Dubber leading the industry in compliance and enterprise-grade security, a new solution is at hand for any communications on Amazon Connect, including contact centre, voice, IVR, and chat.


“Dubber PCI Comply offers any business seeking to process credit card information a cost-effective and easy to deploy cloud-native solution to achieve efficient PCI DSS compliance for any communication modality on Amazon Connect, including contact centre, voice, IVR, and chat.”


With our fully compliant technology, enterprises can feel secure that customers are not at risk of facing card fraud in payments — as a result, we are very excited to announce the launch of our new product, Dubber PCI Comply for Amazon Connect! 

As the first PCI DSS solution for Amazon Connect, Dubber PCI Comply will change the way businesses take payments forever — providing complete security and peace of mind for both the enterprise as well as their customers. Dubber PCI Comply enables certified security and PCI-DSS compliant payments via voice calls, chat, and cloud-based communications platforms. Contact centres with Dubber PCI Comply on Amazon Connect can offer safer options that prevent customers’ credit card data from entering the enterprise environment, instead handling the data capture and processing via a trusted, secure third-party provider.

About Dubber PCI Comply – What does this mean for enterprises?

Dubber PCI Comply empowers businesses to facilitate simple, user-friendly and secure phone payments, ensuring that regulatory demands are satisfied and critical sensitive customer data is protected.

Businesses meet regulatory requirements and obligations around PCI DSS: 

Enjoy the benefits of knowing customers’ and internally sensitive business information is protected by Dubber PCI Comply. Seamlessly integrated into Amazon Connect, the solution adheres to PCI DSS compliance standards and prevents any sensitive card data from entering the enterprise environment.


“PCI DSS compliance isn’t satisfied because of the deployment of Amazon Connect alone. It is the instant Dubber PCI Comply is deployed. The moment you start processing credit card transactions, you need PCI Comply. Dubber PCI Comply eliminates the need for, or the possibility that, agents see or enter credit card data. We believe our innovative approach such as via Amazon Connect is the best and most secure way of ensuring PCI compliance.” – James Slaney, COO, Dubber


Dubber PCI Comply to provide security amid customers payment information 

Dubber PCI Comply is a secure phone payment platform that’s PCI DSS compliant, VISA Europe approved, PCI DSS V3.2, ISO27001 and BS10008 certified, with the credentials to prove data is safe and secure.

Dubber PCI Comply is secure, simple and effective. 

Dubber sets the benchmark for secure payments— with integrations and deployments that are instantaneous and effortless, cloud-based data stored securely, and the flexibility of agnostic PSP or telephony. Confidently meet the demands of overarching regulatory systems to protect customers and businesses. Try out Dubber PCI Comply on Amazon Connect.