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Neil Wilson appointed as Chair of Dubber

Neil Wilson appointed as Chair of Dubber

Dubber Corporation Ltd (ASX: DUB) (Dubber or the Company) is pleased to announce the appointment of Neil Wilson as Chair effective today.

Neil is an experienced business leader and entrepreneur with corporate, start-up, founder and public company experience. He holds a Bachelor of Business degree and is a CPA and Member of the Australian Computer Society.

Neil is a practitioner in the digital and technology domain and has extensive experience in general management and CEO management across private and public company scenarios.

He held the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Oakton Limited (ASX:OKN), until its acquisition by Dimension Data in 2014. He completed a three-year term as the CEO of the Victoria Racing Club (VRC) and has been the VRC Chairman since November 2020.

Neil is currently Chairman of Nexon, a non-executive director of ASX-listed Knosys Limited and a member of Advisory Boards for several private technology and digital companies. He continues to be a regular keynote speaker at industry and investor forums and presents to boards and executive committees on digital and technology directions and the value of a data and an information focus.

Following Neil’s appointment by the Board, Peter Clare steps down as Chairman and has resigned as a director, effective 28 February 2023.

Steve McGovern, CEO, Dubber: “The Dubber team is excited to have Neil Wilson join the Company as Chair. Neil brings with him an expert insight into the sector which will be pivotal to Dubber’s aspirations for digital data transformation.

“We would also like to thank Peter Clare who has been Chair for over 5 years. During his tenure Peter oversaw the transition from a small business into a globally recognized leader in its field. We wish Peter well in pursuit of his many other interests.”

Neil Wilson commented: “Dubber is a great example of a next generation company in the digital and data sector. The local and global opportunities are immense, and I am privileged to be joining the company at this stage of its evolution.”

Mr Wilson has agreed to be remunerated for this role partly in cash and partly in equity. Accordingly, subject to shareholder approval, he will be invited to participate in the Company’s equity incentive scheme and be granted the following securities subject to the Company’s equity incentive scheme rules:

311,084 zero exercise price options; and 600,000 “Remuneration Options” exercisable at $0.50 each on or before 31 July 2027 vesting equally (ie 200,000 options on each occasion) on achievement of share price targets of $0.75, $1.00 and $1.50
(calculated using a rolling 20 day VWAP of Company’s shares traded on ASX).

This announcement has been approved for release to ASX by the Board of Directors.

December 2022 Quarterly Activities Report

December 2022 Quarterly Activities Report

Melbourne, Australia: 31 January 2023 — Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX:DUB), the leading unified call recording and conversational intelligence platform to global telecommunication service and solution providers, today released its 2Q FY23 Appendix 4C and is pleased to provide this Quarterly Activities Report

2Q FY23 Snapshot
  • Operating cash receipts for the quarter were $8.3m (up 48% PcP)
  • Cash on hand at 31 December 2022 was $56.7m
  • First Foundation contract for Dubber Notes secured with North American Microsoft
    Teams Service Provider, Ziro
  • Leading UK service provider Gamma contracts initially for the launch of Dubber
    recording and AI services and migration of existing recording users
  • Vodafone expands contract with Dubber services launched into UC and mobile
    networks in Europe, initially with Vodafone UK, and Vodafone Germany
  • Virgin Media-02 expands existing contract to wider customer base
  • US service provider NTS announces the launch of its Dubber service
  • Alianza chooses Dubber as the embedded recording and AI service for its UC
    platform serving as a core network for over 200 Service Providers
  • JB Hi-Fi Business contracts as the largest distribution partner for Telstra business
  • Ernst & Young Melbourne appointed as the Company’s new auditor
Operational milestones driving growth – Sept Quarter activities report (1Q FY23)

Operational milestones driving growth – Sept Quarter activities report (1Q FY23)

Melbourne, Australia: 25 October 2022 — Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX:DUB), the leading unified call recording and conversational intelligence platform to global telecommunication Service and Solution Providers, today released its 1Q FY23 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Activities to 30 September 2022.

1Q FY23 Commentary

  • Operating cash receipts for the quarter were $9.5m (up 42% QoQ)
  • Operating cash costs increased by $500k in the September quarter to $20m
  • Net cash operating outflows were reduced by $2.5m compared with the June quarter.
  • Cash on hand at 30 September was $73.8m. Dubber is fully funded to operate cash flow break even.
  • Revenue was $6.6m (down 3% QoQ, up 10% YoY)
  • Dubber extended its Service Provider footprint with commercial agreements with Ziggo (Vodafone Netherlands), 3 (UK) and NTS (USA)
  • Dubber was accepted for the ‘IP Co-sell’ programme with Microsoft.
Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Dubber announces the 2022 Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at 4:00pm (AEDT) on Monday, 21 November 2022. This year’s meeting is hybrid and will be held virtually via a web-based portal and physically at Punthill Little Burke Apartment Hotel, Lonsdale Room, 11-17 Cohen Place, Melbourne Vic. 3000.

The Explanatory Statement to the Notice of Meeting provides additional information on matters to be considered at the Meeting.

Shareholders who wish to attend the Meeting virtually must first register their attendance with the Company by no later than 4:00pm (AEDT) on 20 November 2022, the day prior to the day of the Meeting, by email to the Company Secretary, Ian Hobson at

Please include the Shareholder’s name, address and HIN or SRN when registering with the Company Secretary. The Company will then email the details to participate in the virtual Meeting via zoom (a web-based meeting portal) to the Shareholder.

The Notice of Annual General Meeting, Explanatory Statement and Proxy Form should be read in their entirety. If Shareholders are in doubt as to how they should vote, they should seek advice from their independent professional advisers prior to voting.

Should Shareholders wish to discuss any matter please do contact the Company Secretary by telephone on +61 (0)8 9388 8290.

FY22 Full Year Results and Market Update

FY22 Full Year Results and Market Update

Dubber delivered significant revenue growth and increases across all key metrics in the 2022 financial year (FY22) reflecting demand from service providers for new sources of value. Dubber’s core strategy, to create value for services providers through unified recording and conversational AI as a core network service, adds incremental revenue, retention and differentiation based on meeting the needs of every user of business communications services globally. 

FY22 Performance Highlights & Key Metrics (pcp)

  • Substantial organic growth in all core business indicators
  • Capital raise of $110m at $2.95 per share in July 2021; business objectives fully funded
  • Completed integration of Notiv and Speik acquisitions – expanding commercial opportunities
  • Investment in the AI and NLP capability on the Dubber platform to meet customer demand
  • Extended relationships with service providers; expansion of Foundation Partner program
  • Expanded global footprint; key executive appointments in technology, product and sales capability

4Q FY22 June Quarterly Activities Report

4Q FY22 June Quarterly Activities Report

28 July 2022 Melbourne, Australia: Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX:DUB) (‘Dubber’ or ‘the Company’), the leading unified call recording and voice intelligence platform to telecommunication service providers globally, today reports its 4Q FY22 Appendix 4C and Quarterly Activities to 30 June 2022.

4Q FY22 Highlights

  • Annualised Recurring Revenue (ARR) increased by $5m QoQ to $59m (+51% pcp)
  • Operating Revenue increased to $10.3m1, up 12% QoQ (+41% pcp)
  • Total annual revenue increased to $36m1, up 75% on the previous financial year
  • Cash receipts for the year were $29.9m, up 48% on the previous financial year
  • Gross Margin on current revenues exceeded 70%
  • Dubber subscribers exceed 580,000 (+38% pcp)
  • Cash on hand at 30 June 2022 was $84.3m
  • Dubber is fully funded and continues to invest in contracted and future growth with a focus on winning new service providers and expanding organic growth of users via the Dubber platform
  • Appointments: Sarah Diamond (to be appointed) as Independent Non-Executive Director; Michael Abenhaim, SVP, Americas
Dubber to Appoint Global Technology and Business Leader Sarah Diamond to the Board

Dubber to Appoint Global Technology and Business Leader Sarah Diamond to the Board

Sarah Diamond will join Dubber’s Board as a Non-Executive Director, bringing a wealth of international experience in business and technology to the company.

Peter Clare, Dubber’s Chairman, said the Board is delighted to welcome Diamond, and the appointment will help drive the growth and future success of the business.

“Sarah brings a wealth of experience and capability relating to a multitude of key areas in which Dubber is focused. We look forward to working with her as we grow the company’s profile globally,” Clare said.

Sarah Diamond is a recognised global executive with deep experience in the financial services, technology, consulting and regulatory sectors. Over the course of her 30 plus year career, Diamond has worked with most major banks, Wall Street firms, exchanges, and regulators. A global leader, Sarah has led teams across cultures and time zones in Europe, the United Kingdom, China, Japan and the U.S.

As the Global Managing Director, Financial Services at IBM, Diamond managed a $10B P&L and was responsible for helping top 50 global financial services clients embrace digitization to grow their businesses while creating customer value within the rapidly changing regulatory, business and technology landscape.

Additionally, she served as Vice Chair of the Advisory Board of Directors and senior advisor to the Chairman and CEO of the Promontory Financial Group, an IBM company.

Prior to joining IBM, she served as senior vice president in charge of capital markets at KPMG, after launching her career in international banking at Chemical Bank in London.

Download the full ASX Announcement below.

March 2022 Quarterly Activities Report

March 2022 Quarterly Activities Report

Dubber Corporation Limited (ASX: DUB) (‘Dubber’ or ‘the Company’), the leading global Unified Call Recording & Voice Intelligence cloud platform which provides innovative world leading products directly via Service Provider networks, today released its report on the Company’s operating activities along with the Appendix 4C for the quarter ended 31 March 2022.

Highlights within the Quarter:

  • ARR increased by $5.1m QoQ to $55.1m (62% pcp)
  • Revenue for 12 months to March 2022 was $33.7m consistent with reported ARR at March 2021
  • Revenue increased by $900,000 QoQ to $9.25m (40% pcp)
  • Cash receipts increased by $2.9m QoQ to $8.5m
  • Net cash outflows decreased by $7.1m
  • Dubber subscribers exceed 540,000
  • Launch of Notes by Dubber at Mobile World Congress
  • Finalised multiple network UCR agreement with TDC Nuuday of Denmark
  • Established core infrastructure for acceleration of future growth
  • Dubber is fully funded with in excess of $97.5m cash on hand