NT Recycling Solutions cuts costly disputes and booking errors with Dubber
Fewer wasted trips for NT Recycling Solutions trucks with Dubber
“Our business is based on time, so mistakes are costly”
NT Recycling Solutions saves $50,000 per year using Dubber’s call recording to resolve client disputes over services ordered and staff training to reduce errors in bookings.
Here’s the backstory
NT Recycling Solutions is a waste management and recycling business in the Australian Northern Territory city of Darwin. The business deals in general waste removal and operates a recycling facility to reduce the amount going to landfill.
The company has three staff who take inbound calls. Regular customers who don’t have a scheduled service call the company and book when they need their waste bins emptied. Causal customers can call to order bins and the company’s drivers make contact with the office when there are issues with jobs.
Being able to record calls helps quickly resolve customer disputes and staff booking errors. These were costing NTRS thousands of dollars and causing inefficiencies with drivers schedules.
The Solution
NTRS uses Telstra Calling for Office 365 (based on Microsoft Teams) for all its calls. It uses Dubber Unified Call Recording to record and capture calls. In tandem, NTRS uses Dubber’s CallN reporting for additional insights into call statistics. This can include knowing which team member takes the most calls and what time of day those calls come in.
Different departments within the business including customer service, sales, and administration can all easily review calls and reports on Dubber.
Dubber’s recent partnership with Microsoft together with Dubber’s rich functionality were central to giving NTRS the right solution.
NTRS was operating a traditional on premises phone system, using CallN for recording. When it moved to Telstra Calling for Office 365, Dubber was able to craft a unique solution that delivered Dubber’s backend recording while maintaining the familiar CallN interface at the front end.
The Benefits
Speedy dispute resolution
General Manager, Dean Caton says NTRS mainly uses Dubber to verify orders placed by customers. “A customer will ring the office and say I asked for this service: ‘I need your driver to come back right now and do this for us’.”
This can be disruptive and expensive. By the time the call comes in the driver might be 40 minutes away. Revisiting pick-ups was costing NTRS more than $1000 a week.
When this happens, the staff member can check the call recording and listen to the request. Caton says at this point the customer might change their story — if they still want the driver to return, they will have to pay for it.
This was a huge problem in the past, but Caton says now that customers know their calls are recorded, they are less likely to make these claims.
Staff training and reduction of costly errors
Another Dubber benefit for NTRS is staff training and reducing booking errors.
The business depends on efficient scheduling, so mistakes and booking errors are costly.
“All our business is based on time, so if we’re going back to sites we’ve already been to, that costs us a lot of time and we don’t get the productivity out of our drivers”.
Caton says it is useful for training, especially when a new team member joins to be able to go through a recording if, say, they made a booking error.
“We can say that you should have asked this question. A number of our customers have different types of bins at their site. If they ring and say they want their bin emptied, we want our customer service person to ask the right question to find out which bin needs to be collected.”
Not all trucks can collect all bins, so getting this right is another cost saving because they don’t have to divert trucks from other locations to service the job correctly.