How Dubber and Optus delight customers
“Optus is a challenger brand”, says Catherine Yue, Senior Director of Mobile for Optus Enterprise and Business. “We’re not the incumbent and we are in a quite different place in the market. We need to do things differently. For us that means looking for products and services we can use to delight and inspire our customers. Things like Dubber.”
Yue says her team looks for propositions which can improve the customer experience and the employee experience for Optus’ enterprise and SMB customers. “Dubber is very much focused on both, you can see it from a management perspective and an employee perspective. It answers their need to collect better insights and improve what they are doing and that means that in turn it helps them improve their customers’ experience.”
Delighting the customer cuts to the core of Optus’ philosophy. Yue says it’s what sits at the core of mobility and how Optus aims to carve out a greater share of the B2B mobility market. It’s not only enterprise and business customers. She says: “I look at what my colleagues are doing on the consumer and prepaid markets and it’s much the same. When you’re a challenger brand you have to find different focus areas.”
Optus was first introduced to Dubber when the company’s financial services team needed to find tools that could help customers deal with compliance requirements. Dubber ticked that box. Then, Yue says; “Once we double clicked on it and saw what it could do, we realised Dubber was much larger than financial services. We talked to our customers and quickly found there are so many other use cases. It could be in retail, legal, entertainment or in healthcare. We found there is so much that our customers can do with it.”
While Dubber has the ability to drive new revenue streams for a carrier like Optus, Yue says it makes for stickier customers. “Of course we want to increase the revenue from our customer base, but we can only do that if we have a proposition which resonates with customers and adds value. We want to offer them something that’s compelling and relevant.”
It’s still early days for Optus Enterprise and Business and Dubber, yet Yue says her team are already having conversations with customers about empowering their people to elevate their work to another level. It’s no longer just about a mobile device and voice, it’s about what else can be done.
Because Dubber is native on the Optus network, Yue says it makes it simpler for customers. She says: “It’s not like you have to go through an app or anything else, you actually just make a call and it records. There’s no additional action.”
For Yue and Optus, being able to partner with technology providers like Dubber is central. “Our portfolio is stronger because of our partnership. Dubber’s experience globally and the technical resource compliments us as a carrier. The partnership with the sales and marketing teams is also valuable. We can deliver a much stronger proposition because we partner.”