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A Focused Search Can Reveal Details, But an Open View Brings Perspective
21 November 2024

Sales managers often come to us with a simple request: they want to better understand the conversations their teams are having with customers. Their first instinct is usually to conduct a focused search into their conversation data. After all, tracking specific topics—whether it’s certain products, service points, or pricing discussions—is essential for managing key metrics and aligning sales efforts with strategic goals. But when it comes to conversation intelligence, there’s an opportunity to move beyond just looking for what you think you should find. 


In our discussions, we heard a frequent request: sales leaders wanted a clear way to validate that their teams were discussing the products and services most relevant to their business. And, with Dubber’s Moments—a targeted tool aimed at improving the visibility of high-stakes conversations, like those related to closing sales—they found a solution. This tool initially allowed managers to zoom in on the content of these discussions and quickly confirm whether strategic topics were covered. But, as they soon discovered, there was more value in conversation intelligence than a single-threaded view could capture. 


For the first time, managers were able to see beyond isolated conversations and gain a broader view of all customer interactions. This panoramic view fundamentally changed their perspective. Instead of merely verifying individual interactions, managers gained insights into larger patterns, emerging customer needs, and unanticipated obstacles. It revealed not only what was being discussed, but also highlighted gaps and opportunities to refine their training and support for sales teams. 


This new perspective demonstrates the value of open-ended exploration in conversation data. A focused search can give managers the data they think they want—but the broader view can reveal data they didn’t know they needed. Through this lens, conversation intelligence becomes more than a simple audit tool. It evolves into a powerful asset that supports strategic adjustments, whether that’s enhancing team training, refining messaging, or identifying new areas of growth.  


With Dubber Moments, managers are now able to provide real-time feedback, helping their teams have the right conversations and equipping them with the support they need to succeed. By starting with focus but expanding to perspective, true value is uncovered, making every customer conversation a building block for a stronger sales strategy.  


At Dubber, we’re not just about giving managers the ability to track keywords or topics. We’re about empowering them with a deeper understanding—an open view that brings true perspective, enriching every interaction and driving a smarter path forward for sales teams and organizations alike. 


Contact us to find out more.  

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