Investor Centre

Dubber is unlocking the potential of voice data from any call or conversation. Contact us today to discuss investment options.

Company Profile

Dubber is a leading unified call recording and conversational intelligence solution. A disruptor in the multi-billion dollar call recording industry and built to scale to meet any need, Dubber enables organisations to unlock the insights to be found in calls, videos and messages – on any device and in any location.

From a long and proud heritage in voice recording, today Dubber provides innovative solutions and advanced functionality that helps network owners extract – and deliver – more value. Powered by sophisticated capture and AI capabilities, Dubber’s conversational intelligence platform is designed to do exactly that. This democratisation of AI has the potential to revolutionise the way businesses operate and interact with their customers, opening up new opportunities and possibilities.

Board of Directors

Edward (Ted) Pretty
Non-Executive Chairman
John Selak
Non-Executive Director
Simon Crowther
Non-Executive Director
Jeremy Davis
Non-Executive Director
Matt Bellizia
Chief Executive Officer

Corporate Policies

Dubber is all about growth – and that starts with our team. Our policies and values guide our Dubsters and lead us to outperform through collaboration and bring out the best in each other

Board Skills Matrix
Depicts the skills, background and experience of our board members.
Corporate Governance Policies
Includes the board charter, and associated operational and compliance policies.
Corporate Governance Statement
As at 30 September 2024 and approved by the Board
Constitution of Dubber Corporation Limited
Effective Date: 28 November 2018
Securities Trading Policy
Policy on the sale and purchase of securities in Dubber by its Key Management Personnel.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy
Dubber strives to maintain high ethical standards and has adopted this Policy to promote full compliance.
Diversity Policy
Dubber Corporation Limited and all its related bodies are committed to workplace diversity.
Statement of Values
Dubber seeks to operate in line with these values and ensure directors, senior executives and employees work to reinforce them.
Whistleblower Policy
The Board and senior management of the Company encourage speaking up and reporting potential misconduct.
ESG Policy
This policy framework sets out Dubber’s approach to managing our environmental, social and governance related policies and practices.
 Modern Slavery Statement 
 We endeavour to identify, monitor and assess potential risk areas within our supply chains and work with both our employees and suppliers to ensure our zero-tolerance policy is adhered to. 
US Healthcare - Plan Sponsor MRF - Dubber Inc
The federal Transparency in Coverage Rule requires health plans and issuers to publicly disclose pricing information that consumers can access to make informed healthcare decisions.

Corporate Directory

Principal Place of Business

Level 5, 2 Russell Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Telephone: 1800 DUBBER (382237) (option3)
International: +61 3 8658 6111 (option 3)

Email (Investor Enquiries):

Email (General Support):

Registered Office
Level 5, 2 Russell Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Securities Exchange Listing
ASX Limited
Share Registry
Automic Registry Services (Automic Pty Ltd)
Level 2, 267 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9324 2099
+1300 288 664 (within Australia)
Company Secretary
David Franks
Ernst & Young
Level 23, 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Investor Relations
Media Enquiries