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Call recording, churn and NPS…a marriage made in heaven?
07 January 2019

When you think about call recording, you’re probably thinking of server rooms full of equipment, call centers, RVAs announcing that this call may be monitored for training and coaching purposes…but all that is changing. Call recording no longer requires huge CapEx investment, nor the floor space to house servers. It can enable a business to do far more than just listen to a few random calls a month to rate a consultant’s performance.

Call recording with artificial intelligence opens up a world of new possibilities like reducing churn and increasing net promoter score. If you’re a marketing manager or customer experience manager, this blog is for you!

If churn or retention is part of your targets, you probably think you have enough data on your customers and know exactly why they’re leaving. You probably have access to some reports that tell you why a customer is calling, based on their IVR selection, right? But what about all the other information transacted when a customer is talking to one of your call center agents?

Chances are, unless a customer escalates an issue, or you listen to a few calls a month, you have no idea what happens on a call. Dubber’s Zoe can change all that.

Imagine receiving a report that gives you customer sentiment on every call that takes place. Or being able to identify phrases or keywords spoken during a call that may highlight customer pain points you had no idea existed. Zoe can do this and so much more!

Campaign Reporting

As a marketer, either you or one of your team will be likely be providing regular campaign reporting. And if this is the case, you’re probably relying on the call center to have accurately recorded how the customer heard about you, or if they are calling in relation to a particular campaign. Zoe’s advanced search functionality means you can pull every call where a campaign name or offer was discussed. No more wondering if your response rate is correct, you’ll know exactly how successful your campaign was without worrying if the call centre entered the right campaign details into your CRM or not.

End the guessing game

How many times have you had to estimate the impact of a price rise? With Zoe, you’ll know exactly how many people called and if they churned or changed product, so next time round it won’t be such a guessing game. Simply enter the date range and key words such as ‘price’ and search for negative sentiment to find every call. From here you can either listen to each call or review the transcript and sentiment.

Get the edge on your competitors

Understanding sentiment can give you the edge on the competition. Let’s say a customer has had a negative experience with a call center agent, we’ve all heard these one hundred times over at a BBQ. Chances are, no one knows this call took place aside from the agent and the 10 people the disgruntled customer told. Zoe can alert relevant persons in your organization to the call, allowing them to contact the customer and potentially turn a negative experience into a good one: stopping that customer from churning or leaving a negative review and telling anyone who’ll listen how bad their experience was.

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